Sunday, December 13, 2015

This week in class we talked about divorce and step families. This topic is a little more difficult for me to write about because I don't have much experience, and every situation is different. We learned a lot about the effects that these two things have on children and parents, but I feel like the greatest lesson that I learned this week was the importance of not judging others!

In situations of divorce, and remarriage, this transition can be very difficult for the family. I feel like many times, it is so easy for someone on the outside to sit back and make assumptions. It's easy to blame a certain individual, and it can sometimes cause a bad taste in their mouth. BUT, it's so important to remember that we really don't know everything. We don't always know what happened, and we have no idea of the emotions that are being dealt with. It is so important for us as friends, family, and neighbors to be there for support.

In situations of divorce, it can be difficult to adjust to the new life. The parents have to learn how to live without their significant other, they have to learn how to make things fair and equal with their ex, and it's difficult when it comes to the children and how much time they get to spend with each of their parents. Child support can be an issue. Trying to date again and open your heart may be very difficult for many and take a lot of time to overcome. Many people may have a hard time getting dates when others find out they are divorced with kids. Then, once re-marriage happens, it can be difficult for the new spouse to adjust to all of a sudden having a few step-children. It's difficult for the children when they have a new "parent" in their lives. It's important to be careful of how parenting is handled as a new step-parent. Children may have a difficult time getting close to their new step-parent in fears of betraying their birth parent or not accepting them as a parent. etc.

 There are many different contributors to why divorce and step families may be so difficult. But really, the point I am trying to make is that this is a difficult time for everyone involved. The least that we can do is lend a hand of support and be there for whenever they may need us. We must stay away from judging.

Here is a really great song about a step-father. It's really touching and shows how important it is to have both roles (father and mother) in the home. This video shows the blessings that can come from re-marriage, if we just let it.

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