Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone had a great time with family and loved ones this year! I sure enjoyed my Thanksgiving break. It was so nice to be away from school for a few days and to just be able to relax with those I love. It was fun to be with all of my different aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents and to enjoy all of their different personalities.
This class has made me more aware of/pay more attention to the different types of family systems and how they interact. It was neat to watch how each individual family interacted with each other this weekend.
I have learned even more this week of what I want for my future family. After seeing all of us together preparing for Thanksgiving, I have realized that I want a family that WORKS TOGETHER.
I feel that when families work together, such a strong bond is created. There is more cooperation, trust, creating, complementing, relying, and loving when families take time to actually BE TOGETHER rather than everyone off doing their own things. The experiences provided when families work together will be so much more valuable than those spent on recreation. Think about the olden days, when the main work was farming. It was a family project. Dad, Mom, AND kids would all work on the farm and in the house TOGETHER as a family. Bonds were strong, and families were very close. They had to rely on each other and worked together for their family's success. They didn't expect just one member of the family to provide, but they all contributed in different ways.
I believe that these types of relationships can be a lot more difficult now-a-days. Fathers are typically gone at work for 60+ hours a week, children are sent to school for 6+ hours a day, and mothers are either working or at home with younger children or preparing for when everyone comes home. It would make sense that you must work extra hard to have strong relationships like in the past. Families can't just automatically be strengthened either, the relationships must be worked at. Even after school and work, work still needs to be done around the house. It never ends. I believe the greatest way to truly strengthen family relationships is to work TOGETHER on things throughout the home and really focus on each other. If we focus so much on just completing the task at hand rather than working on it with the family, many growing and learning opportunities with your children will be passed up.
I recently read an article found at: http://magazine.byu.edu/article/family-work/
This was SO GOOD and gave so many great ideas of how you can successfully work within your families. CHECK IT OUT... It explains things way better than I ever could!
May we take time to slow down our busy lives and focus on those who matter most. As we strive to strengthen our family relationships, there will be such an increase of peace and joy in our homes.
The way to success is WORK!
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Speak Now
Have you ever noticed how many times you miscommunicate with someone? Or you get offended by something someone said, or the facial expression that they made, just to find out they didn't intend to hurt you at all? I've noticed that in my life, communication is HUGE! I can't tell you how many times I misinterpret people's responses or reactions. I feel like it happens on a daily basis!
Did you know communication is made up of:
- 14% WORDS
- 35% TONE
Did you know that you can never NOT communicate? Everything that we do is a type of communication! That means we need to be extra careful with the way that we act around people so that they don't get the wrong ideas of how we are feeling or what me mean.
I've learned that I need to openly talk with people to be on the same page, or else there is tension for sure! You never know what someone else is thinking, all you have to help you is their words, tone, and expressions/actions.
Communication is key in day-to-day living, but also in marriage. You must be able to openly talk about things in order to grow closer and progress. This is extremely important when it comes to decision making! As a married couple, you make decisions DAILY! It's important to be able to see where each other stands and then to make decisions TOGETHER.
Here is a suggestion of how we can better communicate with our spouse, make decisions together, and discuss problems as they arise:
-Be in a sacred place. Your individual homes are places that are set apart from the world, where we can be together in love and unity.
-Set aside a time weekly to be able to talk. Talk about issues and concerns, ideas and goals. Anything really!
-Start by expressing your love and appreciation for each other. Set aside any defenses.
-Begin with prayer. Pray for the Spirit to be there and for guidance.
-Be open and honest in your discussions with each other. Take turns speaking. Focus on what you both feel the best thing is, not so much on your own opinions. What would the Lord want you do to?
-Finish with prayer
It is important to know and remember the difference between COMPROMISE and CONSENSUS.
When we compromise with our spouse, we are both coming with opinions of things we individually want, and from there we decide what we are willing to give up in order to still get what we personally want. When there is consensus made, we are BOTH focusing on what the Lord wants for us. We are forgetting about what we want most, and are working to do His will, as a joint decision. I think this is super important to think about, but especially to remember. We came to earth to do the Lord's will. Sometimes we forget that and get so caught up in the world, but think about it! What's the point of being here if we're not working towards anything? If we're not doing what God wants us to do? He loves us so much that He will make sure we're happy and taken care of. He's not going to lead us to do something that won't bless our lives! So how about rather than focusing so much on ourselves and what we want, let's focus on what the Lord wants us to do...because ultimately, He knows us better than we know ourselves so He's going to know what'll be the best thing for us. As we do this, our relationships with our spouses will grow so much stronger as well.
Just think about the impact this way of counsel would have on a marriage! When there is time set aside to talk about things, and it is handled this way, many issues and struggles in the future can and will be prevented. All problems start small, and if you can catch them and talk about them before they starts to grow, that'll make all the difference!
Let us remember this week that no one can read our minds! They can only read the cues that we are giving them! Let's take time out of our busy lives to sit down and actually talk with people, and if there are concerns, confront them!
Did you know communication is made up of:
- 14% WORDS
- 35% TONE
Did you know that you can never NOT communicate? Everything that we do is a type of communication! That means we need to be extra careful with the way that we act around people so that they don't get the wrong ideas of how we are feeling or what me mean.
I've learned that I need to openly talk with people to be on the same page, or else there is tension for sure! You never know what someone else is thinking, all you have to help you is their words, tone, and expressions/actions.
Communication is key in day-to-day living, but also in marriage. You must be able to openly talk about things in order to grow closer and progress. This is extremely important when it comes to decision making! As a married couple, you make decisions DAILY! It's important to be able to see where each other stands and then to make decisions TOGETHER.
Here is a suggestion of how we can better communicate with our spouse, make decisions together, and discuss problems as they arise:
-Be in a sacred place. Your individual homes are places that are set apart from the world, where we can be together in love and unity.
-Set aside a time weekly to be able to talk. Talk about issues and concerns, ideas and goals. Anything really!
-Start by expressing your love and appreciation for each other. Set aside any defenses.
-Begin with prayer. Pray for the Spirit to be there and for guidance.
-Be open and honest in your discussions with each other. Take turns speaking. Focus on what you both feel the best thing is, not so much on your own opinions. What would the Lord want you do to?
-Finish with prayer
It is important to know and remember the difference between COMPROMISE and CONSENSUS.
When we compromise with our spouse, we are both coming with opinions of things we individually want, and from there we decide what we are willing to give up in order to still get what we personally want. When there is consensus made, we are BOTH focusing on what the Lord wants for us. We are forgetting about what we want most, and are working to do His will, as a joint decision. I think this is super important to think about, but especially to remember. We came to earth to do the Lord's will. Sometimes we forget that and get so caught up in the world, but think about it! What's the point of being here if we're not working towards anything? If we're not doing what God wants us to do? He loves us so much that He will make sure we're happy and taken care of. He's not going to lead us to do something that won't bless our lives! So how about rather than focusing so much on ourselves and what we want, let's focus on what the Lord wants us to do...because ultimately, He knows us better than we know ourselves so He's going to know what'll be the best thing for us. As we do this, our relationships with our spouses will grow so much stronger as well.
Just think about the impact this way of counsel would have on a marriage! When there is time set aside to talk about things, and it is handled this way, many issues and struggles in the future can and will be prevented. All problems start small, and if you can catch them and talk about them before they starts to grow, that'll make all the difference!
Let us remember this week that no one can read our minds! They can only read the cues that we are giving them! Let's take time out of our busy lives to sit down and actually talk with people, and if there are concerns, confront them!
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Arising From the Darkness
Everyone has a story! Everyone has their own battle they are fighting, or have fought that help make them who they are today. This is something that I try to remember and live by. Knowing this, we should never judge others until we truly get to know them and their stories.
This week has been a really hard, but also a really good week. It's been difficult because some of my own individual trials and struggles have come up and I've had to work hard to overcome them. It's been really good though because I have learned a lot about myself this week: how I deal with hardships, who I can trust and confide in, and also what I want to change in the future to be the person I am working to become. This week has also been really great because, while in the midst of my struggles, I've been able to talk to some of my really close friends and family and learn more about them and the battles they are fighting. My eyes have been opened even more to the concept that "everyone has a story." I was recently talking to someone very close to me. Looking at them, I assumed that they had a perfect life and never went through anything hard. I got jealous of them and wondered why my life couldn't be the same. And honestly, I kind of judged them for having such a "perfect" life. After sitting down and having a long heart-to-heart, I learned that I was completely wrong. They had gone through some super difficult things that made them who they are today. I felt TERRIBLE for just assuming things without ever taking time to sincerely get to know them. After our talk, I gained so much respect for them because of the battles they have conquered and because they were willing to share their story with me.
Looking back on this week, I am so grateful for all that I have learned.
Not only do we all have our own personal trials, but we as families go through hard times as well. Sometimes they arise because of the poor choices of others (or ourselves): addictions, infidelity, changes in beliefs, divorce, abuse, crimes, etc. And sometimes our family struggles come due to things that we have no control over: health problems, mental disorders, miscarriages, death of loved ones, losing a job, etc.
No matter what it is, it isn't easy, or even ideal to be dealing with. These can all be referred to as "FAMILY CRISIS."
I don't know about you, but I believe that it's so much easier to talk about how to cope with crisis, rather than to actually do it. It's so easy for me to get caught up in the moment of my discouragements that I forget about the techniques/tools we are all given to make them a little more bearable. For those of you struggling, LISTEN UP because I'm going to share a few coping patterns that definitely make a difference!
1. Take Responsibility: Don't deny or avoid the problem at hand, don't blame others, and do not play the victim game. If we live our lives blaming others or remain hurt and in pain because we were "the victim," it makes it so much harder to move forward, not looking back. We must take responsibility for our actions, and even the actions of others. Confrontation may be necessary in order to help the problem at hand.
2. Affirm Your Own and Your Family's Worth: Hardships have the tendency to destroy your self-esteem. Don't let that happen! I believe that in order to be successful, it first starts with believing it. If we don't believe we're good enough or can't conquer our trials, what is the likelihood of us actually doing that?? BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! And remember that everyone has their own battles; just because you have one you're fighting now, that doesn't make you any less important than someone else.
3. Balance Self-Concern with Other-Concern: It's so easy to focus so much on ourselves in trials that we forget about helping others. I know for me, the greatest way to forget myself and experience true joy is through service to others. BUT, we also must remember, we can't be TOO focused on other people that we forget about our own needs. There is a fine balance between the two but they both play such an important role in coping.
4. Learn the Art of Reframing: Change your perspective on a situation. The way we deal with things and the difficulty of our trials is all about our attitude! I was just talking to one of my friends the other day (different friend than earlier) and they were telling me about how they struggle with depression. They were telling me that it is really tough on them and a daily battle. It was neat though to see their perspective on the challenge. Instead of sitting and complaining about how much they wanted it to go away, they told me that they were actually grateful for this trial. WHAT?! They said that because of it, they have been able to help out others with the same problem and understand what they are going through. My friend has looked at the trial as a building and strengthening experience, rather than the opposite.
5. Find and Use Available Resources: There are numberless resources in the community. There are help groups, churches, therapists, doctors, tons of challenge specific programs, friends, family, books, etc. We must be proactive and find help. We can't expect our trials to just disappear if we aren't willing to do anything about them. I know for me, one of the greatest ways to cope is talking to someone who cares and won't judge. My poor mom gets an earful every time a new challenge comes up in my life. But, I am SO very grateful for her and her patience, her willingness to be there no matter the circumstances. Now I know that not everyone may have close family or friends that they feel comfortable talking to... so that leads me into my last and favorite way of coping!
6. God: God loves each of His children (us) so dearly that He sent His perfect Son Jesus Christ to suffer for us. He felt EVERYTHING. He felt our pains, our sorrows, sicknesses, discouragements, sins, regrets, struggles. Because of this, He is the only one that truly knows how we feel and how to help us. We must trust in Him and pray that He will give us strength to bear our trials, and I know He will. Christ is just waiting there to help us, BUT it's up to us to take the first step. This week I've had to rely on the Savior a lot, and it's amazing the amount of love and peace I've been able to feel. This is real and available to ALL who trust Him.
What's interesting to remember is that often times in our lives, trials come when we are doing things right. I believe this is because we are here on earth to grow and become better. Trials make us stretch and sometimes push us to the limit, but we always come out a stronger person in the end.
I'm interested to hear about your own individuals coping strategies and what works best for you or your family. Comment your ideas below!
This week has been a really hard, but also a really good week. It's been difficult because some of my own individual trials and struggles have come up and I've had to work hard to overcome them. It's been really good though because I have learned a lot about myself this week: how I deal with hardships, who I can trust and confide in, and also what I want to change in the future to be the person I am working to become. This week has also been really great because, while in the midst of my struggles, I've been able to talk to some of my really close friends and family and learn more about them and the battles they are fighting. My eyes have been opened even more to the concept that "everyone has a story." I was recently talking to someone very close to me. Looking at them, I assumed that they had a perfect life and never went through anything hard. I got jealous of them and wondered why my life couldn't be the same. And honestly, I kind of judged them for having such a "perfect" life. After sitting down and having a long heart-to-heart, I learned that I was completely wrong. They had gone through some super difficult things that made them who they are today. I felt TERRIBLE for just assuming things without ever taking time to sincerely get to know them. After our talk, I gained so much respect for them because of the battles they have conquered and because they were willing to share their story with me.
Looking back on this week, I am so grateful for all that I have learned.
Not only do we all have our own personal trials, but we as families go through hard times as well. Sometimes they arise because of the poor choices of others (or ourselves): addictions, infidelity, changes in beliefs, divorce, abuse, crimes, etc. And sometimes our family struggles come due to things that we have no control over: health problems, mental disorders, miscarriages, death of loved ones, losing a job, etc.
No matter what it is, it isn't easy, or even ideal to be dealing with. These can all be referred to as "FAMILY CRISIS."
I don't know about you, but I believe that it's so much easier to talk about how to cope with crisis, rather than to actually do it. It's so easy for me to get caught up in the moment of my discouragements that I forget about the techniques/tools we are all given to make them a little more bearable. For those of you struggling, LISTEN UP because I'm going to share a few coping patterns that definitely make a difference!
1. Take Responsibility: Don't deny or avoid the problem at hand, don't blame others, and do not play the victim game. If we live our lives blaming others or remain hurt and in pain because we were "the victim," it makes it so much harder to move forward, not looking back. We must take responsibility for our actions, and even the actions of others. Confrontation may be necessary in order to help the problem at hand.
2. Affirm Your Own and Your Family's Worth: Hardships have the tendency to destroy your self-esteem. Don't let that happen! I believe that in order to be successful, it first starts with believing it. If we don't believe we're good enough or can't conquer our trials, what is the likelihood of us actually doing that?? BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! And remember that everyone has their own battles; just because you have one you're fighting now, that doesn't make you any less important than someone else.
3. Balance Self-Concern with Other-Concern: It's so easy to focus so much on ourselves in trials that we forget about helping others. I know for me, the greatest way to forget myself and experience true joy is through service to others. BUT, we also must remember, we can't be TOO focused on other people that we forget about our own needs. There is a fine balance between the two but they both play such an important role in coping.
4. Learn the Art of Reframing: Change your perspective on a situation. The way we deal with things and the difficulty of our trials is all about our attitude! I was just talking to one of my friends the other day (different friend than earlier) and they were telling me about how they struggle with depression. They were telling me that it is really tough on them and a daily battle. It was neat though to see their perspective on the challenge. Instead of sitting and complaining about how much they wanted it to go away, they told me that they were actually grateful for this trial. WHAT?! They said that because of it, they have been able to help out others with the same problem and understand what they are going through. My friend has looked at the trial as a building and strengthening experience, rather than the opposite.
5. Find and Use Available Resources: There are numberless resources in the community. There are help groups, churches, therapists, doctors, tons of challenge specific programs, friends, family, books, etc. We must be proactive and find help. We can't expect our trials to just disappear if we aren't willing to do anything about them. I know for me, one of the greatest ways to cope is talking to someone who cares and won't judge. My poor mom gets an earful every time a new challenge comes up in my life. But, I am SO very grateful for her and her patience, her willingness to be there no matter the circumstances. Now I know that not everyone may have close family or friends that they feel comfortable talking to... so that leads me into my last and favorite way of coping!
6. God: God loves each of His children (us) so dearly that He sent His perfect Son Jesus Christ to suffer for us. He felt EVERYTHING. He felt our pains, our sorrows, sicknesses, discouragements, sins, regrets, struggles. Because of this, He is the only one that truly knows how we feel and how to help us. We must trust in Him and pray that He will give us strength to bear our trials, and I know He will. Christ is just waiting there to help us, BUT it's up to us to take the first step. This week I've had to rely on the Savior a lot, and it's amazing the amount of love and peace I've been able to feel. This is real and available to ALL who trust Him.
What's interesting to remember is that often times in our lives, trials come when we are doing things right. I believe this is because we are here on earth to grow and become better. Trials make us stretch and sometimes push us to the limit, but we always come out a stronger person in the end.
I'm interested to hear about your own individuals coping strategies and what works best for you or your family. Comment your ideas below!
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This is one of my absolute FAVORITE quotes by Joseph B. Wirthlin! |
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Oh Come All Ye Faithful
-faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief, demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support.
This is the topic of today's post. I've been thinking a lot about marriage lately... what keeps it strong, what tears it apart, the joys and hardships experienced, and I have gained a lot of new insights.
Honestly, I've gotten a little more fearful about the future, but also have learned the importance of working at it and giving your all. Many marriages fail because of a lack of work. You can't expect a marriage to last if you're not willing to constantly try to strengthen it. I feel that many times we picture marriage as a fairytale and don't think about all that it entails. When hardships arise, we don't quite know what to do because it wasn't "in our plans." It's important that we recognize this and realize that we (and our spouse) are in COMPLETE control of what happens within the marriage. We all have the ability to keep it strong and safe! But, we must work together as a team! Not one person can do it alone!
Just recently I've realized quite a few people I know have suffered from divorce. It's becoming more and more common and it just breaks my heart. I keep randomly hearing about some of my friends whose marriages haven't lasted. Now I have NO IDEA what caused the divorces or why, and it's not my business at all. But, I do know that infidelity is a huge cause for many divorces no-a-days (don't get me wrong, I am not saying that this is what my friends have done). I feel like it's EVERYWHERE! It's in movies, on TV, on the radio, in books... everywhere I look I feel that it is brought up. It is SO common now and such a heartbreaking though.
We've learned in class this week that even the strongest of people who never would've even considered cheating have messed up. This is because we get so comfortable that we don't make a conscious effort to strengthen our marriages. Most people don't just one day decide that they're going to cheat, but more times than not it starts with small actions that eventually lead to bigger.
Now I don't want this entry to be a negative one and talk about all of the bad things that people do, I want the complete opposite. So, I'm going to discuss a few things that can/must be done to remain faithful, loyal, and have complete fidelity to your spouse.
-There must be boundaries that are kept within a marriage. Certain things must remain between the two of you. That's where loyalty comes in. When a spouse goes out and discusses sensitive or private things with other friends or family members, trust issues are formed and it can cause issues in the future.
-Marital problems should be kept between you and your spouse, and a professional/religious leader if necessary. Grudges with family/friends last a lot longer than they need to sometimes. So, if someone talks badly about their spouse to a trusted friend or family member, their viewpoint of them may change... and even if things get better in the future, they still may keep the same opinions and think that things are still going badly.
-Avoid confiding in an individual of the opposite sex, besides your spouse. Many times, these topics discussed are close to the heart and very personal. Confiding in others can create a stronger relationship between the two of you, so obviously not a good idea with someone rather than your spouse.
-Your spouse is your best friend. It's hard, but when one gets married, friendships with the opposite sex many times must be cut off, or very distant. What good is it to have a close friend of the opposite gender after you're married anyways? What's the point? It's important that your friends are your spouse's friends as well. Do things as couples. Avoid personal chats with friends of the opposite gender on social media, and remain open with your spouse.
-Give your WHOLE heart. Don't hold back on anything. When you marry, you are COMPLETELY committed to your spouse and no one else.
-Keep your thoughts positive and on your spouse. NO ONE ELSE.
-AVOID PORNOGRAPHY!!! It is so dangerous and destroys marriages! We all marry someone with imperfections, but we still love them because it's REAL. You're marriage and relationship is REAL. What a wonderful thing that is!
-Be kind and loving on the inside!
-Openly communicate and talk about your problems or concerns. No one can change unless they know what they are doing wrong.
These are only a few ways to keep your marriage strong and remain faithful to your spouse, but they are SO important... every single one of them.
Spencer W. Kimball nails it right on the head with this powerful quote:
-faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief, demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support.
This is the topic of today's post. I've been thinking a lot about marriage lately... what keeps it strong, what tears it apart, the joys and hardships experienced, and I have gained a lot of new insights.
Honestly, I've gotten a little more fearful about the future, but also have learned the importance of working at it and giving your all. Many marriages fail because of a lack of work. You can't expect a marriage to last if you're not willing to constantly try to strengthen it. I feel that many times we picture marriage as a fairytale and don't think about all that it entails. When hardships arise, we don't quite know what to do because it wasn't "in our plans." It's important that we recognize this and realize that we (and our spouse) are in COMPLETE control of what happens within the marriage. We all have the ability to keep it strong and safe! But, we must work together as a team! Not one person can do it alone!
Just recently I've realized quite a few people I know have suffered from divorce. It's becoming more and more common and it just breaks my heart. I keep randomly hearing about some of my friends whose marriages haven't lasted. Now I have NO IDEA what caused the divorces or why, and it's not my business at all. But, I do know that infidelity is a huge cause for many divorces no-a-days (don't get me wrong, I am not saying that this is what my friends have done). I feel like it's EVERYWHERE! It's in movies, on TV, on the radio, in books... everywhere I look I feel that it is brought up. It is SO common now and such a heartbreaking though.
We've learned in class this week that even the strongest of people who never would've even considered cheating have messed up. This is because we get so comfortable that we don't make a conscious effort to strengthen our marriages. Most people don't just one day decide that they're going to cheat, but more times than not it starts with small actions that eventually lead to bigger.
Now I don't want this entry to be a negative one and talk about all of the bad things that people do, I want the complete opposite. So, I'm going to discuss a few things that can/must be done to remain faithful, loyal, and have complete fidelity to your spouse.
-There must be boundaries that are kept within a marriage. Certain things must remain between the two of you. That's where loyalty comes in. When a spouse goes out and discusses sensitive or private things with other friends or family members, trust issues are formed and it can cause issues in the future.
-Marital problems should be kept between you and your spouse, and a professional/religious leader if necessary. Grudges with family/friends last a lot longer than they need to sometimes. So, if someone talks badly about their spouse to a trusted friend or family member, their viewpoint of them may change... and even if things get better in the future, they still may keep the same opinions and think that things are still going badly.
-Avoid confiding in an individual of the opposite sex, besides your spouse. Many times, these topics discussed are close to the heart and very personal. Confiding in others can create a stronger relationship between the two of you, so obviously not a good idea with someone rather than your spouse.
-Your spouse is your best friend. It's hard, but when one gets married, friendships with the opposite sex many times must be cut off, or very distant. What good is it to have a close friend of the opposite gender after you're married anyways? What's the point? It's important that your friends are your spouse's friends as well. Do things as couples. Avoid personal chats with friends of the opposite gender on social media, and remain open with your spouse.
-Give your WHOLE heart. Don't hold back on anything. When you marry, you are COMPLETELY committed to your spouse and no one else.
-Keep your thoughts positive and on your spouse. NO ONE ELSE.
-AVOID PORNOGRAPHY!!! It is so dangerous and destroys marriages! We all marry someone with imperfections, but we still love them because it's REAL. You're marriage and relationship is REAL. What a wonderful thing that is!
-Be kind and loving on the inside!
-Openly communicate and talk about your problems or concerns. No one can change unless they know what they are doing wrong.
These are only a few ways to keep your marriage strong and remain faithful to your spouse, but they are SO important... every single one of them.
Spencer W. Kimball nails it right on the head with this powerful quote:
"There are those married people who permit their eyes to wander and their hearts to become vagrant, who think it is not improper to flirt a little, to share their hearts and have desire for someone other than the wife or the husband. The Lord says in no uncertain terms: 'Thous shalt love they wife with all thy heart, and shalt cleave unto her and none else.' And, when the Lord says ALL thy heart, it allows for no sharing nor dividing nor depriving. And, to the woman it is paraphrased: 'Thou shalt love thy husband with ALL thy heart and shalt cleave unto him and none else.' The words NONE ELSE eliminate everyone and everything. The spouse then becomes preeminent in the life of the husband or wife, and neither social life nor occupational life nor political life nor any other interest nor person nor thing shall ever take precedence over the companion spouse."
POWERFUL! Cleave unto your spouses! And if not married yet (like me) prepare yourself for when that day comes so that we can be as faithful and loyal as the Lord would want us to be.
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