Sunday, October 30, 2016

Put Your Spouse First

All marriages are bound to have their hardships. We learn that from the very first couple on the Earth, Adam and Eve. They started out in a state of innocence and glory, but due to their choices, ended up in a fallen world faced with many trials of their own. Their experience relates to all individuals. It seems that when we first get married everything is just perfect! Why wouldn’t it be? Our life-long hunt is now over and we have found the love of our life! But, it doesn’t take long until reality hits.
 Despite hardships, marriage is full of wonderful moments; but it’s our choice to make it that way. If we are so focused inward, we won’t have the time or ability to focus on our spouse. We need to show our spouse that they are the highest priority in our lives. That is done by giving them the attention they need, showing gratitude for the small things, and striving to better ourselves.
 This week my husband has been so sweet. He’s seen how stressed I’ve been with school and other things and has done a ton to help me out. Nothing was really big or extraordinary, but his small sacrifices have meant the world to me. I was shown first hand how putting your spouse first strengthens a relationship. He had homework and work with is calling to do, but he put me first. I hope to do a better job in following his example to make sure he knows that he is truly valued.

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