Saturday, November 12, 2016

My Fairytale Ending

Growing up, I always dreamed about my fairytale ending: meeting my prince charming and living happily ever after. Well, lucky for me, I did it! I married the man of my dreams who makes me so happy and helps make all of my dreams come true. But, that doesn’t mean my life is perfect. It’s actually pretty far from perfect, but it’s the life that I love.

As time has gone on I’ve learned that no marriage is perfect. There are arguments, disagreements, stress, adjusting and many more emotions involved. In marriage you are taking two completely different lives and putting them together as one. What else would you expect?! Hearing all about the hardships in marriage can make one question if it’s even worth it, but it is! Why is that? Because it is a CHOICE to let the negatives affect you and your marriage or not. Marrying my sweet husband is the greatest decision I’ve ever made despite the difficult things we may go through.

This week I learned a good lesson. While reading “The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work” I was reminded that no one is ever right! In an argument or disagreement we always think that we are right and that we know best. I believe that is why most arguments happen in the first place. We think that we know our spouse’s intentions and thoughts, when the truth is, WE DON’T. All disagreements are subjective. That is why we must strive to understand our spouse. We must let them know that we accept their personality and perspective. People aren’t willing to change if they are constantly feeling targeted. They are most likely willing to change if they feel liked and appreciated. That goes both ways.

Some great ways to help our spouse feel loved and accepted if by first turning our focus. We should not blame or criticize but rather evaluate ourselves first.
What am I doing to make this an issue?
What can I change to help solve this problem?
How am I feeling?
How can I help my spouse feel loved? 

Another way we can help our spouse is to treat them like we would treat company. Whenever someone is over we are sensitive to their feelings, we treat them with respect, we listen to them while they communicate, and if something goes wrong we don’t freak out but are happy and accepting. There is no reason why our spouses should ever get treated differently! But, it’s easier said than done. It takes constant thought and work in my opinion.

One of the greatest ways to help our spouse is to learn to completely turn our lives over to God and them individually. That is where true joy comes from. If our thoughts, hearts, and actions are focused on pleasing God and our spouse, what really can go wrong? Every sacrifice brings blessings, and a joyful marriage now and forever is one blessing worth sacrificing for.

All marriages will have their ups and downs, but if we are committed to our spouse and love them with all that we have, every issue will either get solved or in the long run won’t be an issue at all. And, looking back, every challenge that I've faced so far has been a blessing in the long run. Every single time I've come out stronger.

Let us all strive to be our best so that we can make our marriages the best!

Me and my Prince Charming

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