Friday, November 25, 2016

Thou Shalt Be Faithful

This week in class we talked about the importance of fidelity in marriage. When people think of being faithful, many times our minds are drawn instantly to cheating... but that's not it. Being faithful means being committed. It means loving your spouse with all of your might, mind, and strength. We must put our spouse first and never let ANYTHING or ANYONE get in the way of that. It all comes down to a choice. We must choose to put our spouse first and make them the most important person in our lives. Doing this will strength the bonds between both husband and wife and will make it harder for temptation to creep in. Most people that are unfaithful don't all of a sudden become that way. It's progression of little acts that may at first seem innocent that lead one to open their heart to someone else. We must stop those things before they even begin! Honestly, no joy is better than that that comes from being part of a marriage with mutual trust, respect, and commitment. 

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