Saturday, December 3, 2016

Equality in Marriage

This week in class we are learning about the importance of equality of power and respect in marriage. A talk was given by Richard B. Miller called, “Who Is the Boss? Power Relationships in Families”, where he lists a few characteristics of strong and successful marriages.
1.  Parents are the leaders in the family: There should be a clear hierarchy between parents and children. Parents should not be afraid to say “NO”.
2. Parents must be united in their leadership: There should never be one parent and child against another parent. Parents need to be unified in decisions. 
3. The parent-child hierarchy dissolves when children become adults: When your children are grown, let them be individuals. They now can make their own decisions with their spouse.
4. The marital relationship should be a partnership: Husband and wife are EQUAL. Although husband and wife may have different responsibilities, they are both equally as important.

I loved all of the points that Miller made in his talk. They all make such a difference in marriage and help create a happy one. My husband and I have been striving to implement these into our own marriage and family and it has made all the difference. We both feel a tremendous amount of love and respect. I know that this is the way that God intended marriage to be.

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